Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Deadliest Season ... Almost

Okay people.  I've put some serious time into finding a viewable version of "The Deadliest Season."

Let's take a moment to talk about those quotation marks.  The mean, when I read that phrase I hear a loud hockey announcer saying "Pow-errr Plaaaaaaaaay!"  But instead they are standing in their seats shaking their fists at the ice saying "Deaaad-leeeeee-eeeeest SEEEEA-SON!!!!!!"  Just FYI.

1977 + CBS + made for TV movie + Meryl Streep + Hockey =  Does it get any better?  Doubtful.

The truth is I could probably find a pirated version out there in the ethers.  Ok I did.  But my conscience just won't let me.  It's not that I'm a stickler for the law.  It's more that I can't seem to stomach the thought of ripping off Meryl Streep, and that includes 28 year old Meryl Streep, aka Sharon the hockey wife.

But I'm on a mission now people.  And while I will not put everything on hold until I find the elusive legitimate copy of the "Deadliest Season" I will find it... oh yes I will.

In the mean time, please tide yourself over with this strange little scene from 33 years ago.

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