Friday, November 26, 2010


We were on our way home from Julie & Julia sometime last year and I had this "brilliant" idea.  Then I spent the better part of the rest of my graduate career getting intoxicated and making grand pronouncements like, "When I have a life again I'm going to watch everything Meryl Streep ever did and blog about it!"  Because that's exactly what people with a life do, right?  Oh well, the point is here I am with said life: blogging.  Because I thought it would be hilarious to do to Meryl Streep what Amy whatshername or whoever the original blogger was did to Julia Child, but not nearly as hard or weight gain inducing (theoretically).  Very meta, or whatever.  Let's just call it inspired.

Plus it turns out that if you run your mouth enough people actually start to call you on it.  Who knew?

Word on the street says if one is going to explore an ouvre it ought to be chronological.  I can't say I'm particularly thrilled about this development.  Upon organizing my Netflix que and intensely studying IMDB, it looks as if the seventies were a) obscure and b) slightly depressing.  I mean, Meryl's TV/movie acting tour through the 70's.  Not the whole decade.  Well, maybe the whole decade, but to be fair that statement is based entirely on other people's opinions as my brain had not yet developed to the point where I could testify either way.

I am going to have to get a nickname for the grande lady sooner or later.  Can't just run around typing Meryl this Meryl that like we're all buddy buddy.  Because we aren't.  I mean, she's practically raised me since I discovered entertainment in the form of moving lights.  But let's get real the woman deserves mad respect.  In retrospect, I question the wisdom of jumping into the deep end with Meryl (see I need a nickname, it's just too familiar).  It's not the sheer quantity of movies before me (67) but the fact that there are so many good ones and she has so many dedicated fans who are quite capable of hate mail because I fail to see the brilliant, subtle whatever.  Like most people I am a movie geek.  But my background in no way prepares me for a comprehensive and accurate review and assessment of the merits and, shall we say, learning opportunities of Meryl Streep's career here-to-fore. So be nice interweb, just lurk if you can't say anything nice and or/constructive.  This is a happy place.  Sort of.

Okay, and I'm afraid of She Devil.  There, I said it.  I don't want to watch it plain and simple.  But I will.

So for those of you that are following on this courageous journey, welcome.  I guarantee nothing in the way of updates.  I'm going to shoot for once a week, maybe twice if I'm feeling particularly motivated.  I imagine things will pick up in the 90s or late 80s.  As it is I'm having to do things just short of pirating to find a couple of those tv specials from the 70s.